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 The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch

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Join date : 2012-06-29
Age : 27
Location : In my clothes

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Town: Varsteel
Profession #1: Wizard
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PostSubject: The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch   The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 10:17 pm

Stephanie Lynch grew up in a small town known as Akwishak. Her real parents are unknown, because as a baby she was left at the doorstep of the town's Wizard Jeriko. The man adopted her and raised her as his own child and assitant. She grew up helping him with magic, going shopping and trading in the markets for him, and cutting wood for their fires.

Once Stephanie entered her preteen years, Jeriko believed that it was time that for her to learn the ways of Wizardy and magic. She was taught melee combat and learned how to harness the soul energy of the beasts of the night and use that energy to imbue magic into physical objects. She also was trained as a blacksmith so that she could fully understand the nature of materials. She studied books of ancient runes for the longest time and soon became an expert at enchanting.

Herbology was next on the list, it was not an easy job for poor Jeriko. After many failed attempts, fiery explosions and acid burns, Stephanie began to learn the art of potion making. She was taught to grow Netherwart, brew potions, and even how to combine different ingredients to make upgrades potions. She was definately on her way to success.

Stephanie wasn't just a studious kind of person. She was a big fan of the arts. She absolutely loved coloring, paints and music. However, after many attempts to learn the arts, she found herself unable to obtain any skill or talent at those hobbies. So she gave up trying and decided to just become an appreciator of paintings and music.

After about two and a half years of studying, Stephanie was ready to graduate and become a true Wizardette. To celebrate, the whole down of Akwishak held her a festival. She recieved many gifts that day, including her favorite green hoodie and her lucky Blaze Rod.

Stephanie's life soon changed direction though. Only a couple months after her graduation, the town of Akwishak was raided and attacked by rouges. Although the town managed to kill off all of the enemy soldiers, most of the town was in ruins and a majority of the population was dead. Even Jeriko was wounded in the battle and forced into retirement because of it. He parted with Stephanie a short while after the battle. Telling her to go off into the world and make a difference. Jeriko now lives in the tropical islands living with women 1/5th his age and drinking fruit drinks all day.

Stephanie packed up the few items she had and the knowledge she learned and made her way onto the road. She encountered many dangers while on the road. Zombies, skeletons, creepers, endermen, and perverted old men offering to give her a room for the night, if you know what I mean.

One night, Stephanie was at an inn in Varrock when she heard news of a new colony of three towns that was starting and in need of pioneers. Stephanie was highly intrigued by this, and decided to take part in this new idea. She found out as much information as she could about the new towns and quickly began to travel towards them.

On her way there, she contemplated her actions there. She knew that starting off, her wizardry powers would not be too much use to the people there. But her skills as a trader and blacksmith would probably be very useful in the beginning. So she decided to have those professions at the start, leaving her Wizardry aside until she felt it would offer some good to the inhabitants of the towns.

Spending her time on the road since she left Akwishak, Stephanie developed a love of city life. She wanted to live some place big. She had dreams of being rich and living in a fancy house. She saw that potential in Varsteel, she just had this feeling that Varsteel would one day become a grand city bustling with people and stuff. So that is where she decided to move.

And that is where her story ends, and her new one begins...
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Join date : 2012-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Mass, US

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Town: Varsteel
Profession #1: Miner
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PostSubject: Re: The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch   The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 10:57 pm

study This was an awesome back story Stephanie!

I hope Jerkio is doing well Wink
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Posts : 32
Join date : 2012-06-30
Age : 26

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PostSubject: Re: The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch   The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 11:21 pm


I didn't know this was RuneScape...

My backstory shall include:
- Solitude
- Dawnstar
- Winterhold
- Windhelm
- Whiterun
- Falkreath
- Riften
- Riverwood
- Helgen
as well as
- Lumbridge
- Al'Kharid
- Varrock
- Camelot
- Falidor
- Draynor

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The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Empty
PostSubject: :OOOOOO   The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 12:24 am

Uhh....... I've heard of half of those town's names.
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Posts : 15
Join date : 2012-06-29
Age : 27
Location : In my clothes

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Town: Varsteel
Profession #1: Wizard
Profession #2: Woodcutter

The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch   The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 8:56 am

I'm glad someone caught the reference to Runescape. Aaah, the nostalgia.

And as far as I can tell Jeriko is doing fine Wink living the high life.
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PostSubject: Re: The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch   The Life Story Of Stephanie Lynch Icon_minitime

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