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 Kapita, The story behind the land

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2 posters

Posts : 32
Join date : 2012-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Mass, US

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Town: Varsteel
Profession #1: Miner
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Kapita, The story behind the land Empty
PostSubject: Kapita, The story behind the land   Kapita, The story behind the land Icon_minitimeMon Jul 02, 2012 2:02 pm

There are 3 towns currently located on the continent of Kapita; Karento, Varsteel, and Lyndel. They were formed when early immigrants from the continents of Taren and Pintera built up the newly discovered continent, which they called Kapita. The 3 towns were all originally formed to supply the empires which game them birth. Lumber from Lyndel was key in ship and home construction. The stone and minerals found from mines in the mountains of Varsteel were also vital to the empires. Karento provided glass, and sandstone, as well as being another center for mining.

The 3 towns each had their own government. Karento had a Czar which ruled over the lands and made decisions for its citizens. Varsteel has a King, functioning much like the Czar. and Lyndel was ruled by a group of citizens who wanted to build up the town on their own. Despite the towns having their own leadership they still had to report back to the empires that controlled them. So about 20 years after their founding the 3 towns rose up and elected a High King to rule the lands of Kapita. High King Fredrick was the one who lead the 3 towns to victory over the empires of Taren and Pintera and freed them from the oppression.

Fredrick's son, Hienz, took over rule of the 3 towns after his fathers death. Hienz looked to expand the empire of Kaptia and make it one of the greatest superpowers in the world. New people from all over the world flocked into the 3 towns and expanded the population of the empire. Hienz now looks ahead and is planning the possibility of constructing more towns and cities to enlarge the empire of Kapita.

Kapita, The story behind the land Video-games-minecraft-600x800

*** NO LONGER RP ***

Thanks for reading that if you did. I know some of you wanted there to be more role-playing, so I wanted to give you the back story behind the 3 towns. Let me know if you liked it! I would be willing to do more perhaps...

- Hienz Very Happy
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Land Owner
Land Owner

Posts : 66
Join date : 2012-06-30
Age : 24
Location : In your house, stealing your diamonds

Character sheet
Town: Varsteel
Profession #1: Farmer
Profession #2: Baker

Kapita, The story behind the land Empty
PostSubject: Hmmmmmm   Kapita, The story behind the land Icon_minitimeTue Jul 03, 2012 12:35 am

Good story Very Happy

i can never make one for myself......
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