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 Server Rules

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Posts : 32
Join date : 2012-06-22
Age : 31
Location : Mass, US

Character sheet
Town: Varsteel
Profession #1: Miner
Profession #2: Builder

Server Rules Empty
PostSubject: Server Rules   Server Rules Icon_minitimeSun Jun 24, 2012 4:53 pm

You may pick 2 main professions to play as.

You are only allowed to perform actions that are listed in said class description.

The text next to the title is the current population of that class, IE High means we have a lot, Low means we have few. Try to pick something you will like, but at the same time don't pick something that is full of people. Anything in the Med-Low range is wanted, High will require a great application to prove that you are still needed.

1) Miner (Med) – Can mine any material underground. A miner does not process the ores or stone but instead sells the raw materials to manufactures.

2) Farmer (High) – Grows different crops for food, Raises animals for harvest, Can go fishing. Can go pick plants such as flowers, pumpkins, grass, and reeds. Does not bake the food, that’s the baker’s job. Can NOT make shears, that would be a blacksmith

3) Woodcutter (Med) – Can cut trees down for lumber, and can also gather things that drop from trees such as apples, vines, leaves, saplings, etc. He can sell these items to farmers or anyone else who needs to use it for something.

4) Hunter (Med) – Hunts wild animals, and monsters to gather materials from them. Can craft a bow and arrows & wooden and stone weapons, but cannot make higher tier items like the blacksmith. Can traverse caves, dungeons, and unexplored lands in search of rare goods. Cannot mine (unless a miner too) or do anything other than explore, loot chests. Can clear cobwebs for string. Can also craft compasses, maps, and clocks.

5) Builder (Med) – constructs houses, shops, roads, walls, etc. Anything that needs to be built is made by the builder. Can also make furniture, such as Crafting tables, Lamps, Chests, Bookshelf’s, Stairs, etc. Can make boats. Can make paintings. Can also place these in people’s homes. But cannot make the pigments, but must buy them from the wizard. A Builder also cannot make anything to do with Redstone, which is an Engineer.

6) Smith (Med) – Can make all armors, weapons, and ammo's. A Blacksmith would make shears, buckets, and other tools that are needed by other classes. A Smith is also able to make glass and turn clay into bricks and brick blocks. Does not gather these materials but buys them.

7) Wizard (Low) – Enchants items for players. Can make an enchanting table. Can make potions for other players. Can grow Netherwart. can make pigments.

8 ) Baker (Med) – Can cook food and sells it. Makes breads, cooks meat, and bakes cake and cookies, Etc. Does not grow the food.

9) Engineer (Low) - Makes mine-carts, mine-tracks, and powered mine-tracks. Can work with Redstone and also makes pistons, buttons, switches, and levers.

And those are the 9 professions for right now. If any changes are ever made you will be allowed to change to a Similar profession in the future.

This describes what goes on in the town and the rules there that you have to follow. There are 3 major towns. One is a desert town that focuses on mining, glassmaking, and smithing. Another is a forest town that is lumber/farming focused. And the last is a field town that is very diverse but does not produce sand/glass and lumber. Depending on what you want to do for a profession, It would be wise to choose your town depending on that. Here is some other town information you will need to know, such as politics and safety.

Desert Town (Karento)

The Desert Town elects a Czar to lead them. It is majority vote and the Czar decides how money is spent on improving the town, building roads, etc. The Czar also gives permission to build and is in charge of protection of the town. A person elected Czar gets a gold helmet for free to let everyone know that they are the Czar of the Desert Town. The desert towns homes are made of sandstone and stone.

Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/Cithc

Field Town (Varsteel)

The Field Town elects a King to rule the town. He works in the same way that the Czar of the Desert Town works and also has a golden helmet to show his authority. The Field town’s homes are made of stone, wood, cobblestone, and bricks.

Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/nB6pu

I want to start a new town?

Some people might get bored living a cozy life in the town once they get settled. So to prevent boredom, go adventure! We want people to save up and then eventually become their own king in their own kingdom. Cool eh? In order for a person/group of people to start a town they must do the following.

1) Get permission from me, Hienz10.
2) Show me the land they plan on building the town on. And let me know the name you wish to have for the town.
3) Have 400gI saved up between all players that will be paid to me to be stored in a vault located on Admin Island and never seen again.
4) Choose 1 Person to be the leader of that town. (That I can agree with)
5) Sell off all former holdings in the town they used to live in and also only bring 1 inventory worth of items with them to the new town.

Now what?
You will get a “Town starter kit” from me that includes 100gI and 10 Town storage chests, the rest is up to you (and your villagers).


This is the last, but most important to make sure that the Server is fun and grief free.

1) No breaking the rules above
2) No greifing
3) No disrespecting other players or admins. If an admin tells you not to do something, don’t do it.
4) Swearing is ok, just don’t get to colorful, this is an adult atmosphere.
5) No cheats/hacks
7) Build things that look nice, mine in a clean way, farm in neat rows, etc. I.E. Don’t make the towns look ugly. If you are not good at building nice looking homes, don’t be a builder.
8 ) No TNT.
9) No Lava buckets for anything other than power.
10) No Traps.
11) Have Fun; Follow the rules, Everyone Has Fun!
12) If it is not listed on the rules, but you think it would be bad/ruin the game atmosphere, don’t do it. Or ask Hienz.
13) No Chat spamming
14) No Stealing from other players. (a person cannot pick up another person’s things upon death. If you do pick them up, please return the persons items)
15) Cut down trees all the way, Clean up structures you use to get around, and keep the world looking nice. I can see who places things or does not cut a tree all the way, and you will be talked to/punished for not following the rules.


The Server IP is = and we look forward to seeing you online!
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